20th Year Celebration

Dear Church Family,

As we celebrate the 20th Church and Pastoral Anniversary of Light of the World Church, I am overwhelmed with gratitude and joy. We give thanks to God for guiding us every step of the way and for the blessings He has bestowed upon our ministry.

I am deeply thankful for each life that has been touched and transformed through the work of this church. Your faithfulness, dedication, and love have been the driving force behind our growth and impact in the community. Light of the World would not be what it is today without each one of you.

As we embark on another year of service and ministry, I am excited about the journey ahead. Together, we will continue to spread God’s love, touch more lives, and make a positive difference in our world.

Thank you for your unwavering support and commitment. Let us celebrate this milestone with joy and anticipation for the future.

In His Service,
Pastor Leo


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